Ascendro became a member of the AWS Partner Network

Being an AWS Partner Network member is a big deal for us. Read more about what this means for our team and our clients.

Workflow automation for small businesses: Optimizing operations and boosting productivity

How our internal tools help SMEs optimize operations and boost productivity

Ascendro, recognized by Clutch as one of the top B2B Companies in Application Management & Support

Ascendro, awarded by Clutch for top B2B Application Management & Support Services

Private cloud computing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Why are private cloud computing services a better choice for SMEs?

Offshore vs. Nearshore software development companies: Choose the right model for your business

Offshore or nearshore software development? Choose the right model for your business

Introducing Invoice Manager: Your Precision Tool for Streamlined Invoicing

Invoice Manager is our financial compass, meticulously designed to simplify and automate the invoicing process.

Introducing Vacation Planner: Simplifying Holiday and Vacation Management

Vacation Planner is our go-to solution for efficiently managing holidays and vacations for our teams.

Introducing Skill Matrix: Unlocking the Power of Knowledge and Expertise

Skill Matrix is our knowledge repository and growth catalyst, meticulously designed to empower us to make informed staffing decisions

Introducing Contract Manager: Your Hub for Streamlined Contract Management and Compliance

Contract Manager is the beating heart of our contract management strategy. It empowers us to create contracts, addendums, and terminations with ease while ensuring that we meet our TISAX certification requirements.

Introducing Acceptance Documents: Simplifying Acceptance and Billing with Precision

Acceptance Documents is a powerful internal tool meticulously designed to streamline the process of generating acceptance documents for our clients

Introducing Candidate Database: Elevating Talent Acquisition and Quality Assurance

Candidate Database is our central hub for tracking, managing, and nurturing potential candidates

Introducing CV Generator: Your Bridge to Talent without Compromising Professional Etiquette

We launched CV Generator, a solution that allows us to present the qualifications, experiences, and skills of our team members without revealing their identities.

Introducing PM Autotools: Elevating Our Internal Processes

We developed PM Autotools, an essential solution for internal task management and processing

Revolutionizing Efficiency and Transparency: The Impact of Our Internal Tools

Delving into the significance of our internal tools—powerful solutions meticulously crafted to simplify management overhead, enhance accuracy, and promote transparency in our day-to-day operations.

The Manifest Crowns Ascendro Technologies as one of the Most Reviewed Staff Augmentation Companies in Romania

Ascendro Technologies, one of the Most Reviewed Staff Augmentation Companies in Romania.

Blockchain as a catalyst

The technology behind the Blockchain.

Estimation methods for agile development

Understanding the required skill configuration.

Could Low-Code be a solution to reduce the pressure on IT-Resources?

Taping into the new space of Low-Code development.

New Senior-Management addition

Elmar Barzen, a new addition to Ascendro Pro GmbH.

Transparent with the customer?

What is transparency? Can you be transparent with your customers?

Low-Code – Mach 7 Acceleration

Is low-code a toolbox to convert an Excel list into a database?

Legacy Migration with Blockchain Technology

The use of blockchain technology as a subsystem.

Digitization, a done deal?

What comes after digitization?